I was actually going to share a detox plan for the coming Spring, but the dreadful weather outside made me think better about it… I took my recipe notebook and went fishing for a cheer me up recipe… And what about some seriously decadent vegan chocolate cake? Hell, yes!

Vegan chocolate cake slice

Simple and quick to prepare

I love this simple recipe, easy to prepare and quite healthy too: being vegan, I cut down on saturated fats and calories, so that what might appear as a guilty pleasure is not so guilty after all! And I can assure you that the flavour is still amazingly rich and decadent, no compromise there.

I like to use wholemeal flour, as it goes very well with chocolate, giving the cake a subtle nutty flavour. Furthermore, I am using EVO oil for this recipe, little trick that I learnt from the cook of a family run restaurant in Trevignano Romano many years ago. She was lactose intolerant, and explained that her amazing chocolate cake she just served us, was baked with extra virgin olive oil instead of butter, and that actually contributed to the bold and rich flavour of the cake.


My suggestion is to put your favourite playlist on, get the ingredients ready, and begin to prepare the cake. Your mood will be uplifted in during the preparation already, and as soon as the cake is in the oven, the heavenly chocolate scent will do the rest!


Vegan chocolate cake recipe

Vegan chocolate cake ingredients
Vegan chocolate cake ingredients


240g wholemeal flour

60g cocoa powder mixed with a bit of cinnamon

160g brown sugar

Baking soda or cake raising powder

300ml oat drink (plus a little more to adjust the consistency if needed!)

50ml EVO oil

60g of dark chocolate (I’m using a luxurious 100% cocoa one with orange flavour)

A splash of agave syrup


Powdered sugar to garnish



cocoa and cinnamon
cocoa and cinnamon

Swift the flour, the cocoa, the yeast and the sugar in a big bowl, and mix them together carefully ensuring there are no clumps.

Mix the cocoa, the flour, the sugar and the baking powder
Mix the cocoa, the flour, the sugar and the baking powder

Add the 300ml oat drink little by little, mixing carefully, then add the oil, and keep mixing until you reach an homogenous texture. If needed, you can add a splash more of oat milk, as different flours might require a bit more to obtain the right consistency.

Preparing the vegan chocolate cake batter
Preparing the vegan chocolate cake batter

On the side, chop the chocolate bar in very small pieces, and then add it to cake mixture.

Add it while stirring, and keep mixing until the chocolate is evenly distributed.

Adding the chocolate pieces to the cake batter
Adding the chocolate pieces to the cake batter

Pre heat the oven at 180 degrees and in the meantime transfer the cake into the baking tin for it to settle before going into the oven.

Prepare the cake tin while preheating the oven
Prepare the cake tin while preheating the oven

When the oven is ready, bake the cake for 40 minutes (always at 180 degrees).

After 40 minutes, test the inside of the cake with a tooth picker to ensure it perfectly cooked, and when it is, take it out and leave it to cool down slightly.

Vegan chocolate cake perfectly cooked!
Vegan chocolate cake perfectly cooked!


After 20/30 minutes, sprinkle it with the powdered sugar and serve it!


Vegan chocolate cake ready to serve
Vegan chocolate cake ready to serve

Fancy other vegan recipes? Have a look at this super tasty Apple cake, or these delicious Harvest muffins!

Looking for the perfect place to find all the ingredients?

Have a look at Planet Organic! Just click on the image below to shop on site.



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